I prefer being well-informed about what I work on.
If your field is new to me, I'll study it to better understand your needs.
If we work together, we'll talk about you.
It's not about doing my project for you, it's about your project.
You know your business better than anyone else, so I want to learn about you!
Let's not dive into design right away.
I first work on a prototype to test the waters.
It's a great way to see if we're on the right track.
I'm french, I love bold cuisine.
I'm not trying to make it good for everyone.
I want to make it perfect for the right people.
This is where the magic happens.
Too often, we can be satisfied if it simlpy works.
But I hate spaghetti code and unstable software.
Your project must be robust and easy to maintain.
Let's build this together!