My father is the owner of company that builds pipe organs. Altough he already had a website, it had major issues. The website was very old, not responsive and to update its content, they had to code in html everytime. I gave it a try and first gave up because of the size of the task.
A little bit later, I created a navigation menu for fun. Then, came motivation and I dived into the project. The task was interesting, I implemented a simple administration page with a WYSIWYG editor for each page. It is worth noting that I barely used any library and I coded almost everything from scratch.
After a while, I was unsatisfied with the website. It was not optimal for SEO and I had kept the old navigation hierarchy with 28 pages. Thus, I built everything again from scratch. This time, I used libraries like Strapi, Locomotive Scroll and Svelte. The website is now much faster, easier to maintain, translated in 3 different languages and the user experience is much smoother.